Panel Bidang Matematik
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi

VK7 Profesor


Field (KPT) : Mathematics and Statistics for Science and Engineering
Field of Specialization (KPT) : Fluid Mechanics

01/01/2022 - 31/12/2027 Penyelidik Utama
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi, Center for Research on Computational Mathematics (CERCOM)
01/07/2024 - 30/06/2026 Ketua Pusat
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi, Center for Research on Computational Mathematics (CERCOM)
16/11/2017 - 30/11/2018 Ketua Pusat
Fakulti Sains Gunaan dan Teknologi, Center for Research on Computational Mathematics (CERCOM)
16/04/2015 - 15/04/2016 Felo Kolej Kediaman
Pusat Perumahan dan Pengangkutan Pelajar, Kolej Kediaman Pagoh Jaya
15/04/2014 - 14/04/2015 Felo Kolej Kediaman
Pusat Perumahan dan Pengangkutan Pelajar, Kolej Kediaman Pagoh Jaya
02/01/2012 - 31/12/2013 Ketua Jabatan
Fakulti Sains, Teknologi Dan Pembangunan Insan, Jabatan Sains Dan Matematik
01/01/2010 - 31/12/2011 Ketua Panel
Fakulti Sains, Teknologi Dan Pembangunan Insan, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

2019 - 9999Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) Teknologis Berijazah Kebangsaan
2009 - 9999Persatuan Sains Matematik Malaysia (PERSAMA) Ahli Kebangsaan
2022 - 2023Institute of Mathematics And Its Applications Fellow Kebangsaan
2020 - 2023Institute of Mathematics And Its Applications Fellow Antarabangsa
2020 - 2020Institute of Mathematics And Its Applications Member (Fellow) Antarabangsa
2019 - 2020Akademi Profesor Malaysia Ahli Kebangsaan
2011 - 2016Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Ahli Antarabangsa
2010 - 2010Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Member Antarabangsa

2024 Analytical Approach In Fluid Dynamics [BWA33103], Session 20232024 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024 University
2024 Heat And Mass Transfer [BWA42103], Session 20242025 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024 University
2024 Numerical Methods In Fluid Dynamics [BWA33203], Session 20232024 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024 University
2023 Calculus Ii [BWA10503], Session 20232024 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023 University
2023 Heat And Mass Transfer [BWA42103], Session 20232024 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023 University
2023 Member for AJK Pemurnian Program Sarjana Sains (Matematik Gunaan) FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, September2023 University
2023 Numerical Methods In Fluid Dynamics [BWA33203], Session 20222023 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023 University
2022 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20212022 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2022 University
2021 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20202021 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2021 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20202021 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2021 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20212022 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2021 Calculus Ii [BWA10503], Session 20212022 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2021 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20202021 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2021 Partial Differential Equation [BWA30303], Session 20212022 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021 University
2020 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20192020 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2020 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20202021 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2020 Computational Fluid Dynamics [MWA10803], Session 20192020 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2020 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20192020 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2020 Entrepreneurship [BWU10102], Session 20202021 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2020 Numerical Methods Ii [BWA32403], Session 20202021 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020 University
2019 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20182019 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2019 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20192020 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2019 Computational Fluid Dynamics [MWA10803], Session 20182019 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2019 Entrepreneurship [BWU10102], Session 20192020 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2019 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20182019 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2019 Numerical Methods Ii [BWA32403], Session 20192020 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019 University
2018 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20172018 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2018 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20182019 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2018 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20172018 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2018 Entrepreneurship [BWU10102], Session 20182019 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2018 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20172018 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2018 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20182019 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018 University
2017 Entrepreneurship [BWU10102], Session 20172018 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017 University
2017 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20172018 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017 University
2016 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20162017 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Calculus Ii [BWA10503], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [KWZ10000], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [KWZ10000], Session 20162017 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [MWA10000], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [MWA10000], Session 20162017 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [MWB10000], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [MWB10000], Session 20162017 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [PWZ10000], Session 20152016 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2016 Research Methodology [PWZ10000], Session 20162017 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016 University
2015 Bachelor Degree Project I [BWA30702], Session 20142015 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Bachelor Degree Project Ii [BWA40304], Session 20152016 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Calculus Ii [BWA10503], Session 20142015 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20142015 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20152016 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Research Methodology [KWZ10000], Session 20152016 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Research Methodology [MWA10000], Session 20152016 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2015 Research Methodology [PWZ10000], Session 20152016 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2015 University
2014 Calculus 1 [BWA10203], Session 20142015 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014 University
2014 Calculus Ii [BWA10503], Session 20132014 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014 University
2014 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20132014 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014 University
2014 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20142015 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014 University
2013 Calculus 1 [BWA10203], Session 20122013 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2013 University
2013 Discrete Mathematics [BWA10603], Session 20122013 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2013 University
2013 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20132014 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2013 University
2012 Advanced Engineering Mathematics [MDC10103], Session 20122013 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Advanced Engineering Mathematics [MEE10103], Session 20112012 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Advanced Engineering Mathematics [MEE10103], Session 20122013 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Calculus 1 [BWA10203], Session 20122013 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Engineering Mathematics I [BSM1913], Session 20112012 Semester 3, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BWM20403], Session 20112012 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Engineering Mathematics Iv [BWM30602], Session 20112012 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2012 Linear Algebra [BWA10303], Session 20122013 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012 University
2011 Engineering Mathematics Ii [BSM1923], Session 20112012 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011 University
2011 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BSM2913], Session 20102011 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011 University
2011 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BSM2913], Session 20112012 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011 University
2011 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BWM20403], Session 20102011 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011 University
2011 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BWM20403], Session 20112012 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011 University
2010 Engineering Mathematics Iv [BSM3913], Session 20092010 Semester 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2010 University
2010 Engineering Mathematics Iv [BSM3913], Session 20102011 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2010 University
2009 Engineering Mathematics Iii [BSM2913], Session 20092010 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2009 University
2009 Engineering Mathematics Iv [BSM3913], Session 20092010 Semester 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2009 University

CodeTitleDesignationEnd Date
K481 Electro-magnetohydrodynamics hemodynamics hybrid nanofluid through nonuniform asymmetry multistenosed aneurysmal artery with nonlinear radiation using COMSOL Ketua 30/09/2026
K299 Mixed convection in inclined two-square duct cavities filled with non-Newtonian nanofluid subjected to different types of heating by finite volume method. Ahli 30/04/2024
X281 Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) Competent Certificate Ahli 15/12/2023
K172 Finite volume method on mixed convection of nanofluids in lid-driven trapezoidal cavity using local thermal non-equilibrium model Ahli 31/05/2023
H420 Fractional derivative of blood flow using nanoparticles through an inclined catheterized stenotic blood vessel in the presence of magnetic field Ketua 30/04/2021
H072 Magnetic Drug Targeting in a stenotic blood vessel in the presence of a transverse magnetic field by using AGM Ketua 30/09/2020
U903 A New Zero-One Mathematical Modeling with The Combination of Three New Post-Optimality Algorithms for Malaysian Primary School Children with Cancer Ahli 31/08/2019
U904 A New Hybrid Forecasting Technique with Quadratic Programming on Diversifying The Gold and Oil Investment Ahli 31/08/2019
U907 A New Flood Alert Indicator by Advanced Forecasting Method and New Algorithm for River Stream Flow in Johor Ahli 31/08/2019
U630 Simulation on taxis gases in vehicleexhaust equipped with modified catalytic converter Ahli 31/01/2018
U112 Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method for approximating the solution of unsteady convective flow problems. Ahli 30/06/2017
U191 Natural Convection in square cavity embedded with a porous medium filled with nanofluds Ketua 31/03/2017
1434 Numerical solution of natural convection in a nanofluids-filled enclosure with transverse magnetic field and internal heating Ketua 28/02/2017
1201 Numerical study of natural in a nanofluids filled cavity with the presence of magnetic field and internal heating Ketua 29/02/2016
1320 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) System Development For Characterization Of Bried Pipes Ahli 29/02/2016
1208 Numerical Investigation of A Steady Convective Flow of A Nanofluid in The Presence of Heat Source With Variable Stream Condition Due to Solar Energy Ahli 30/09/2015
E008 Electrokinetic-Asisted Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal in Riverbank Soil Ahli 30/06/2015
1157 Analytical Approach To Unindirectional Flow Of Non-Newtonian Fluids of Differential Type Ketua 28/02/2015
0734 Effect of Feedback Control on Convective Flow Inside a Porous Square Cavity Presence of Heat Generation Ahli 28/02/2013

(2019) Faculty Of Applied Sciences And Technology Technical Report 2018, UTHM , 001, ISBN:9789672306238
Long, K.S., Sufahani, S.F. & Roslan,R
(2018) A Letter On Application Of Mathematics And Statistics, UTHM , 1, ISBN:9789672216063
Maselan @ Mazlan Ali, Rozaini Roslan
(2017) Teori Nombor, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka , 1, ISBN:9789834913694
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Lecture Notes On Real Analysis, UMS , 1, ISBN:9832643457
Book Chapters
M.M.Fayyadh, K.Naganthran, M.F.M. Basir, I.Hashim, R.Roslan
(2022) Radiative Mhd Sutterby Nanofluid Flow Past A Moving Sheet: Scaling Group Analysis. Reprinted From: Mathematics 2020, 8, 1430, Computational Fluid Dynamics 2020, MDPI , 205, ISBN:9783036527840
D.F. Jamil, S. Uddin, R. Roslan
(2021) Electromagnetic Casson Blood Flow In Multistenosed Porous Artery Using Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives, Nanotechnology For Hematology, Blood Transfusion, And Artificial Blood, Elsevier , 67, ISBN:9780128241806
Salah Uddin, Mahathir Mohamad, MGhazali Kamardan, Suliadi Sufahani, Obaid Ullah Mehmood, Rozaini Roslan
(2019) Fractional Derivative On Mhd Flow Of The Third Grade Fluid In The Porous Tube Subjected To A Constant Body Acceleration And Pressure Gradient, A Letter On Applications Of Mathematics And Statistics, UTHM , 119, ISBN:9789672216063
Salah Uddin, Mahathir Mohamad, MGhazali Kamardan, Suliadi Sufahani,Obaid Ullah Mehmood and Rozaini Roslan
(2018) Fractional Derivative On Mhd Flow Of The Third Grade Fluid In The Porous Tube Subjected To A Constant Body Acceleration And Pressure Gradient, A Letter On Applications Of Mathematics And Statistics, UTHM , 119, ISBN:9789672216063
Roslan, R., Zainodin, H.J., Amran. A. & Gabda, D
(2006) Blasius Series On The Steady Boundary-Layer From An Unsteady Free Convective Problem, Analytical Methods Of Analysis And Differential Equations, Cambridge Scientific Publishers , 209, ISBN:978190486841X
Norhaliza Abu Bakar, Rozaini Roslan, Zul Afiq Sazeli, Nur Raidah Salim
(2024) Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Cavity In The Presence Of Magnetic Field With Sinusoidal Heating , CFD LETTERS, SEMARAK ILMU PUBLISHING , 2, 42, ISSN:21801363
Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Wan Noor Afifah Wan Ahmad, Kavikumar Jacob, Sharidan Shafie, Ruzairi Abdul Rahim, Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohamad, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Roslan, Mohd Zulariffin Md Maarof, Muhamad Ali Imran Kamarudin
(2024) Solving A Non-Standard Optimal Control Royalty Payment Problem Using A New Modified Shooting Method, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, WILEY , 9, 1, ISSN:10991476
H.Hanifa, S.Shafie, R.Roslan, A.Ali
(2023) Collision Of Hybrid Nanomaterials In An Upper-Convected Maxwell Nanofluid: A Theoretical Approach, JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY - SCIENCE, ELSEVIER , 1, 1, ISSN:2213686X
Salah Uddin , Obaid Ullah Mehmood , Mahathir Mohamad , Rozaini Roslan , Ilyas Khan , Abdullah Mohamed
(2023) Effect Of Natural Heat Convection On Fractional Mhd Second-Grade Fluid In An Infinite Vertically Oscillating Cylinder With Hankel Transform , HELIYON, ELSEVIER , 2, 1, ISSN:24058440
Dzuliana Fatin Jamil, Salah Uddin, Mohsin Kazi, Rozaini Roslan, M.R. Gorji, Mohd Kamalrulzaman Md Akhir
(2023) Mhd Blood Flow Effects Of Casson Fluid With Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives Through An Inclined Blood Vessels With Thermal Radiation, HELIYON, ELSEVIER SCI LTD , 11, 1, ISSN:24058440
Azizul,F.M., Alsabery,A.I., Hashim,I., Roslan,R. & Saleh,H
(2023) Mhd Mixed Convection And Heatlines Approach Of Nanofluids In Rectangular Wavy Enclosures With Multiple Solid Fins, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, NATURE PORTFOLIO , 12, 1, ISSN:20452322
I.R.Ali, A.I.Alsabery, M.Mohamad, M.G.Kamardan, N.A.Bakar, R.Roslan
(2022) Mixed Convection In A Double Lid-Driven Rectangular Cavity Filled With Hybrid Nanofluid Subjected To Non-Uniform Heating Using Finite-Volume Method, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS, SPRINGER , 6, 1, ISSN:19516401
I. R. Ali, Ammar I. Alsabery, Norhaliza Abu Bakar, Rozaini Roslan
(2022) Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Horizontal Rectangular Cavity Filled With Hybrid Nanofluid By Finite Volume Method, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SCIENCES, SEMARAK ILMU PUBLISHING , 3, 110, ISSN:28113950
Mohammed M. Fayyadh, Mahanthesh Basavarajappa, Ishak Hashim, Joby Mackolil, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Rozaini Roslan, Durgham Allaw
(2022) The Mathematical Model For Heat Transfer Optimization Of Carreau Fluid Conveying Magnetized Nanoparticles Over A Permeable Surface With Activation Energy Using Response Surface Methodology, ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND MECHANIK, WILEY VCH , 8, 1, ISSN:15214001
Palle Kiran, Sivaraj Hajjiurge Manjula, Rozaini Roslan
(2022) Weak Nonlinear Analysis Of Nanofluid Convection With G-Jitter Using The Ginzburg-Landau Model, OPEN PHYSICS, DE GRUYTER , 12, 1283, ISSN:23915471
D.F.Jamil, S.Saleem, R.Roslan, F.S.Al-Mubaddel, M.R.Gorji, A.Issakhoc, S.U.Din
(2021) Analysis Of Non-Newtonian Magnetic Casson Blood Flow In An Inclined Stenosed Artery By Using Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives, COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, ELSEVIER , 3, 1, ISSN:01692607
O.U. Mehmood, S. Bibi, D.F. Jamil, S. Uddin, R. Roslan, M.K.M. Akhir
(2021) Concentric Ballooned Catheterization To The Fractional Non-Newtonian Hybrid Nano Blood Flow Through A Stenosed Aneurysmal Artery With Heat Transfer, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , NATURE RESEARCH , 10, 1, ISSN:20452322
D.F.Jamil, S.Uddin, M.G.Kamardan, R.Roslan
(2021) The Effects Of Magnetic Casson Blood Flow In An Inclined Multi-Stenosed Artery By Using Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SCIENCES, AKADEMIA BARU , 4, 28, ISSN:22897879
D.G.Yakubu, M.Abdulhameed, A.G.Tahiru, R.Roslan, A.Issakhov, M.R.Gorji, M.Bakouri
(2021) Towards The Exact Solutions Of Burger'S Fluid Flow Through Arteries With Fractional Time Derivative Magnetic Field And Thermal Radiation Effects, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING , SAGE , 9, 1618, ISSN:20413009
A. Alblawi, N. Zainuddin, R. Roslan, N.A. Bakar, M.R.Gorji, H.T. Do
(2020) Effect Of Heat Generation On Mixed Convection In Porous Cavity With Sinusoidal Heated Moving Lid And Uniformly Heated Or Cooled Bottom Walls, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES, SPRINGER , 5, 1531, ISSN:09467076
A.I. Alsabery, R. Roslan, J. Al-Smail, I. Hashim
(2020) Effects Of Internal Heat Generation And Partial Heating On Transient Natural Convection In An Inclined Porous Cavity Using Ltne Model, JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA, BEGELL HOUSE, INC. , 2, 139, ISSN:19340508
Ammar Alsabery, Tahar Tayebi, Rozaini Roslan, Ali Chamkha, Ishak Hashim
(2020) Entropy Generation And Mixed Convection Flow Inside A Wavy-Walled Enclosure Containing A Rotating Solid Cylinder And A Heat Source, ENTROPY, MDPI , 5, 1, ISSN:10994300
S. Uddin, M. Mohamad, Mohammad Rahimi-Gorji, R. Roslan, Ibrahim M. Alarifi
(2020) Fractional Electro-Magneto Transport Of Blood Modeled With Magnetic Particles In Cylindrical Tube Without Singular Kernel, MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES, SPRINGER , 2, 405, ISSN:14321858
N.A. Bakar, R. Roslan and A. Karimipour
(2020) Magnetic Field Effect On Mixed Convection Heat Transfer In A Lid-Driven Rectangular Cavity, CFD LETTERS, PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU , 1, 13, ISSN:21801363
I.R. Ali, Ammar I. Alsabery, N.A. Bakar, Rozaini Roslan
(2020) Mixed Convection In A Double Lid-Driven Cavity Filled With Hybrid Nanofluid By Using Finite Volume Method, SYMMETRY, MDPI , 11, 1, ISSN:20738994
Uddin, Salah; Mehmood, Obaid Ullah; Mohamad, Mahathir; Mohmad, Mahmod Abd Hakim; Jamil, D. F.; Roslan, Rozaini
(2020) Pulsatile Blood Flow Through A Constricted Porous Artery , JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE, AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS , 2, 743, ISSN:15461963
M.M.Fayyadh, K.Naganthran, M.F.M.Basir, I.Hashim, R.Roslan
(2020) Radiative Mhd Sutterby Nanofluid Flow Past A Moving Sheet: Scaling Group Analysis., MATHEMATICS, MDPI , 8, 1, ISSN:22277390
Palle Kiran, S. H. Manjula, R. Roslan
(2020) The Effect Of Gravity Modulation On Double Diffusive Convection In The Presence Of Applied Magnetic Field And Internal Heat Source, ADVANCED SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE, AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHERS , 6, 792, ISSN:21646635
S.H.Manjula, P.Kiran, G.Narsimlu, R.Roslan
(2020) The Effect Of Modulation On Heat Transport By A Weakly Nonlinear Thermal Instability In The Presence Of Applied Magnetic Field And Internal Heating , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,, SCIENDO , 11, 96, ISSN:23539003
P.Kiran, B.S.Bhadauria, R.Roslan
(2020) The Effect Of Throughflow On Weakly Nonlinear Convection In A Viscoelastic Saturated Porous Medium, JOURNAL OF NANOFLUIDS, AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHER , 3, 36, ISSN:21694338
N.A. Bakar, R. Roslan and M. K. Md Akhir
(2020) The Effects Of Internal Heat Generation Or Absorption On Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Rectangular Cavity Using Finite Volume Method, CFD LETTERS, PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU , 12, 38, ISSN:21801363
D.F. Jamil, S.Uddin, M.G.Kamardan, R.Roslan
(2020) The Effects Of Magnetic Blood Flow In An Inclined Cylindrical Tube Using Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivatives, CFD LETTERS, PENERBIT AKADEMIA BARU , 1, 111, ISSN:21801363
J.A.A.A. Al Nasrawi, R. Roslan and H. Barem
(2019) Crude Oil Based Nanofluids Flow On Inclined Wall, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, Trans Stellar Publication , 10, 665, ISSN:22498001
Fayyadh, M.M., Roslan, R., Kandasamy, R., Ali, I.R., Hussein, N.A.
(2019) Effect Of Biot Number On Convective Heat Transfer Of Darcy-Forchheimer Nanofluid Flow Over Stretched Zero Mass Flux Surface In The Presence Of Magnetic Field, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN FLUID MECHANICS AND THERMAL SCIENCES, Penerbit Akademia Baru , 7, 93, ISSN:22897879
A.G.Madaki, M.Abdulhameed, M.Mohamad, M.Ali, R.Roslan
(2019) Effects Of Thermophoresis And Brownian Motion On Boundary Layer Flow Over A Linearly Stretching Sheet Saturated By A Nanofluid With The Presence Of Magnetic Field And Chemical Reaction, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, Medwell Journals , 10, 9224, ISSN:1816949X
Salah Uddin, * , Mahathir Mohamad , Mghazali Kamardan , Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohamad, Suliadi Sufahani, Roslan Rozaini
(2019) Electromagnetic Control Of Fluid With Magnetic Particles In The Stenosed Region, IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, IOP conference series , 8, 1, ISSN:1757-899
M.M.Fayyadh, R.Roslan, R.Kandasamy, I.R.Ali
(2019) Mhd Squeezing Flow Of Nanoliquid On A Porous Stretched Surface: Numerical Study, ARPN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, ASIAN RESEARCH PUBLISHING NETWORK , 10, 3572, ISSN:18196608
N.A. Bakar, R. Roslan, A. Karimipour and I. Hashim
(2019) Mixed Convection In Lid-Driven Cavity With Inclined Magnetic Field, SAINS MALAYSIANA, UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA , 2, 451, ISSN:01266039
Salah Uddin, Mahathir Mohamad, Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohmad, Obaid Ullah Mehmood, MGhazali Kamardan, Rozaini Roslan
(2019) Natural Heat Transfer Phenomenon In Mhd Fractional Second Grade Fluid, UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING , HORIZON RESEARCH PUBLISHING , 12, 32, ISSN:23323361
N.A.Bakar, R.Roslan, A. Karimipour, and I.Hashim
(2019) On Mixed Convection In Lid-Driven Cavity With Inclined Magnetic Field, SAINS MALAYSIANA, Penerbit UKM , 2, 451, ISSN:01266039
Al-Nasrawi, J.A.A.A., Roslan, R., Kandasamy, Ali, I.R., Mohamad,R
(2019) Swcnts-Water On Carreau Mhd Flow Up A Wall With Distinct Thickness, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME) Publication , 2, 349, ISSN:09766987
Fayyadh, M.M, Roslan,R., Kandasamy, R. & Ali, I.R.
(2019) Thermal Energy On Water And Oil Placed Squeezed Carreau Nanofluids Flow, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL & MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING , The International Journals of Engineering and Sciences (IJENS) Publisher , 6, 79, ISSN:2077124X
D. F. Jamil, S. F. Sufahani, M. G. Kamardan, M. Abdulhameed, I. Hashim, R. Roslan
(2018) A Study Of Nanoparticles As A Drug Carrier On The Wall Of Stenosed Arteries, JP JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Puspha Publishing House , 8, 497, ISSN:09735763
A.G. Madaki, R. Roslan, M.S. Rusiman, C.S.K. Raju
(2018) Analytical And Numerical Solutions Of Squeezing Unsteady Cu And Tio2-Nanofluid Flow In The Presence Of Thermal Radiation And Heat Generation / Absorption, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Elsevier , 6, 1033, ISSN:11100168
S. Uddin, M. Mohamad, S. Sufahani, M.G. Kamardan, O.U. Mehmood, F. Wahid and R. Roslan
(2018) Application Of Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Order Derivative (Nfdt) In Simulating The Mhd Flow Of The Third Grade Non-Newtonian Fluid In The Porous Artery, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Science Publishing Corporation , 12, 527, ISSN:2227524X
S. Uddin, M. Mohamad, M. A. H. Mohamad, S. Sufahani, M.G. Kamardan, O.U. Mehmood, F. Wahid and R. Roslan
(2018) Caputo-Fabrizio Time Fractional Derivative Applied To Visco Elastic Mhd Fluid Flow In The Porous Medium, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, Science Publishing Corporation , 12, 533, ISSN:2227524X
D.F. Jamil, R. Roslan, M. Abdulhameed & I. Hashim
(2018) Controlling The Blood Flow In The Stenosed Porous Artery With Magnetic Field, SAINS MALAYSIANA, UKM , 10, 2581, ISSN:01266039
N. Zainuddin, S. F. Sufahani, A. Karimipour, M. Ali, R. Roslan
(2018) Hydromagnetic Mixed Convection Flow In An Inclined Cavity, JP JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TARNSFER, Puspha Publishing House , 8, 543, ISSN:09735763
J.A.A.A.Nasrawi, R.Roslan, R.Kandasamy, R.Mohamad
(2018) Particle Shapes On Squeezing Flow Of Carreau Fluid Over A Sensor Surface, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, International Association of Engineering and Management Education (IAEME) Publication , 12, 981, ISSN:09766359
M.Abdulhameed, R.Roslan, D.Vieru, S.Shafie
(2017) Analytical And Numerical Solutions Of Oscillating Flow At A Trapezoidal Pressure Waveform, COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MODELING, Springer , 1, 195, ISSN:1046283X
A.G. Madaki, R. Roslan, M.S. Rusiman, C.S.K. Raju
(2017) Analytical And Numerical Solutions Of Squeezing Unsteady Cu And Tio2-Nanofluid Flow In The Presence Of Thermal Radiation And Heat Generation/Absorption, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Alexandria University , 2, 1, ISSN:11100168
M.Abdulhameed, D.Vieru, R.Roslan and S.Shafie
(2017) Analytical Solution Of Convective Oscillating Flow At A Sinusoidal Pressure Waveform, MECCANICA, Springer , 1, 941, ISSN:00256455
Wan N. A. W. Ahmad, Suliadi F. Sufahani, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Roslan, Kamil Khalid, Norziha Che-Him and Alan Zinober
(2017) Continuous Approximation Of 3 Stepwise Functions In The Non-Standard Optimal Control Problem, FAR EAST JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (FJMS), Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India , 11, 2797, ISSN:09720871
N. Zainuddin, N.A. Bakar, A. Karimipour and R. Roslan
(2017) Effect Of Sinusoidally Heating On Mixed Convection In Square Cavity Filled With A Porous Medium, ARPN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 4, 2351, ISSN:1819-6608
Abdulhameed Mohammed, Rozaini Roslan, Mahathir Mohamad, Ishak Hashim
(2017) Exact Solution Of Stokes 1st Problem For Second Grade Fluid On A Permeable Wall, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS, Ceser Publications , 5, 76, ISSN:09731377
A.G. Madaki, R.Roslan, R.Kandasami & I. Hashim
(2017) Flow And Heat Transfer Of Nanofluid Over A Dynamic Stretching Sheet With Non-Linear Velocity And Thermal Radiation, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, Medwell Publications , 11, 5136, ISSN:18187803
Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Rozaini Roslan, Kamil Khalid, Maria Elena Nor, Ku Gee Huei, Lim Soo Peng, Nun Shwu Mean and Soh Cher Wei
(2017) Improving Skills In Rounding Off The Whole Number, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, Medwell Journals , 12, 6468, ISSN:1816-949X
M. Abdulhameed, D. Vieru, R.Roslan
(2017) Magnetohydrodynamic Electroosmotic Flow Of Maxwell Fluids With Caputo¿Fabrizio Derivatives Through Circular Tubes, COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Elsevier , 11, 2503, ISSN:08981221
N.A. Bakar, R. Roslan, M. Ali and A. Karimipour
(2017) Mixed Convection In An Inclined Lid-Driven Square Cavity With Sinusoidal Heating On Top Lid, ARPN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , 4, 2539, ISSN:1819-6608
M.Abdulhameed, D.Vieru and R.Roslan
(2017) Modelling Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Thermo-Fluidic Transport Of Biofluids With New Trend Of Fractional Derivative Without Singular Kernel, PHYSICA A: STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Elsevier , 5, 233, ISSN:03784371
R.Roslan, M.Abdulhameed, I.Hashim and A.J.Chamkha
(2017) Non-Sinusoidal Waveform Effects On Heat Transfer Performance In Pulsating Pipe Flow, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Elsevier , 1, 3309, ISSN:11100168
Gamsha,A.M., Abdulhameed, M. and Roslan, R
(2017) Psolutions Of Poiseuille Flow Using Homotopy Perturbation Method Linked With Pade Approximation, ARPN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES, Asian Research Publishing Network , 4, 2545, ISSN:18196608
M.Abdulhameed, R.Roslan, B.S.Bhadauria, I.Hashim
(2016) Analytical Solution Of Convective Heat Transfer Of Oscillating Flow Subject To A Triangular Pressure Waveform, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS RESEARCH, Begell House , 1, 333, ISSN:21525102
A.G. Madaki, R. Roslan, M. Mohamad, M.G. Kamardan
(2016) Analytical Solution Of Squeezing Unsteady Nanofluid Flow In The Presence Of Thermal Radiation, JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, Science & Knowledge Research Society , 12, 97, ISSN:2231-8879
Nur Ain Zafirah Ahmad Basri, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Roslan,Mahathir Mohamad, Kamil Khalid
(2016) Application Of Fuzzy X-R Charts For Solder Paste Thickness, GLOBAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (GJPAM), Research India Publications , 12, 4299, ISSN:0973-1768
N.A. Bakar, A. Karimipour and R. Roslan
(2016) Effect Of Cavity Inclination On Mixed Convection In Lid-Driven Cavity With Sinusoidal Heated Moving Top Lid, SYLWAN JOURNAL, Polskie Towazystwo Lesne , 3, 172, ISSN:00397660
Bakar, N.A., Karimipour,A. and Roslan,R.
(2016) Effect Of Magnetic Field On Mixed Convection Heat Transfer In A Lid-Driven Square Cavity, JOURNAL OF THERMODYNAMICS, Hindawi Publishing Corporation , 3, 1, ISSN:16879252
N.Zainuddin, I.Hashim, H.Saleh and R.Roslan
(2016) Effect Of Radiation On Free Convection From A Heated Horizontal Circular Cylinder In The Presence Of Heat Generation, SAINS MALAYSIANA, UKM Press , 3, 315, ISSN:01266039
M.Abdulhameed, M.Mohamad and R.Roslan
(2016) Heat Transfer Flow Of A Fourth Grade Fluid In A Non-Darcy Porous Medium With Thermophysical Effects, HEAT TRANSFER RESEARCH, Begell House , 10, 1121, ISSN:21626561
A.G.Madaki, M.Abdulhameed, M.Ali and R.Roslan
(2016) Solution Of The Falkner-Skan Wedge Flow By A Revised Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method, SPRINGERPLUS, Springer , 4, 1, ISSN:21931801
A.G Madaki,M.Abdulhameed,M.Ali, and R.Roslan
(2016) Solution Of The Falkner-Skan Wedge Flow By A Revised Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method, SPRINGER PLUS, Spinger Plus , 4, -, ISSN:21931801
M.Abdulhameed, I.Hashim, H.Saleh, and R.Roslan
(2016) The Transient Mhd Flow Generated By A Periodic Wall Motion In A Porous Space, JOURNAL OF APPLIED FLUID MECHANICS, Isfahan Univ. Technology , 1, 509, ISSN:17353572
(2015) Analytical Solutions For Unsteady Flow Of A Fourth-Grade Fluid Arising In The Metallic Wire Coating Process Inside A Cylindrical Roll Die, COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MODELING, Springer , 7, 370, ISSN:1573837X
(2015) Exact Solution Of Unsteady Flow Generated By Sinusoidal Pressure Gradient In A Capillary Tube, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Elsevier , 12, 935, ISSN:11100168
(2015) Natural Convection Heat Transfer In Two-Square Duct Annuli Filled With A Nanofluid, APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS, Trans Tech Publications , 5, 299, ISSN:16609336
(2015) Radiation Effects On Two-Dimensional Mhd Falkner-Skan Wedge Flow, APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS, Trans Tech Publications , 5, 368, ISSN:16609336
(2015) The Effect Of Radiation On Free Convection From A Heated Horizontal Circular Cylinder, APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS, Trans Tech Publications , 5, 378, ISSN:16609336
(2015) The Unsteady Flow Of A Third-Grade Fluid Caused By The Periodic Motion Of An Infinite Wall With Transpiration, ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Elsevier , 12, 1233, ISSN:11100168
M.Abdulhameed, R.Roslan and M.Mohamad
(2014) A Modified Homotopy Perturbation Transform Method For Transient Flow Of A Third Grade Fluid In A Channel With Oscillating Motion On The Upper Wall, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING, Hindawi Publishing Corporation , 7, 1, ISSN:23146443
M.Abdulhameed, R.Roslan, M.Muhammad and I.Hashim
(2014) Exact Solution Of Stokes¿ First Problem For Second Grade Fluid On A Permeable Wall, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS, Ceser Pub , 12, 76, ISSN:09737545
R.Roslan, H.Saleh and I.Hashim
(2014) Natural Convection In A Differentially Heated Square Enclosure With A Solid Polygon, THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, Hindawi Publishing Corporation , 5, 1, ISSN:1537744X
R.Roslan, H.Saleh, I.Hashim and A.S.Bataineh
(2014) Natural Convection In An Enclosure Containing A Sinusoidally Heated Cylindrical Source, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Elsevier , 10, 119, ISSN:00179310
Najahulfazliah Zainuddin, Muhaimin Ismoen, Rozaini Roslan and Ishak Hashim
(2014) Oscillatory Free Convection About A Horizontal Circular Cylinder In The Presence Of Heat Generation, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, Hindawi Publishing Corporation , 4, 1, ISSN:1024123X
I. Muhaimin, R. Kandasamy, A.B.Khamis and R.Roslan
(2013) Effect Of Thermophoresis Particle Deposition And Chemical Reaction On Unsteady Mhd Mixed Convection Flow Over A Porous Wedge In The Presence Of Temperature-Dependent Viscosit, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Elsevier , 12, 95, ISSN:00295493
I. Muhaimin, R. Kandasamy, A.B.Khamis and R.Roslan
(2013) Impact Of Thermophoresis Particle Deposition And Chemical Reaction On Unsteady Non-Darcy Mixed Convective Flow Over A Porous Wedge In The Presence Of Temperature-Dependent Viscosity, MECCANICA, Springer , 12, 1415, ISSN:00256455
R.Kandasamy, I.Muhaimin, A.B. Khamis and R.Roslan
(2013) Unsteady Hiemenz Flow Of Cu-Nanofluid Over A Porous Wedge In The Presence Of Thermal Stratification Due To Solar Energy Radiation: Lie Group Transformation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES, Elsevier , 12, 196, ISSN:12900729
J.Kavikumar, Azme Bin Khamis , Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2012) Bipolar-Valued Fuzzy Finite Switchboard State Machines, LECTURE NOTES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, Newswood Limited , 12, 571, ISSN:2078-0958
R. Roslan a, H. Saleh b, I. Hashim
(2012) Effect Of Rotating Cylinder On Heat Transfer In A Square Enclosure Filled With Nanofluids, INT. JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Elsevier , 8, 7247, ISSN:00179310
H. Saleh, Z. Mustafa, I. Hashim and R. Roslan
(2012) Feedback Control Of Flows In A Porous Square Enclosure Having Non-Uniform Internal Heating, JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA, Begell House , 1, 785, ISSN:1091028X
M.S.Selamat, R.Roslan and I.Hashim
(2012) Natural Convection In An Inclined Porous Cavity With Spatial Sidewall Temperature Variations, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Hindawi Pub. Co , 3, 1, ISSN:1110757X
H.Saleh, N.Arbin, R.Roslan and I.Hashim
(2012) Visualization And Analysis Of Surface Tension And Cooling Effects On A Differentially Heated Square Cavity Using Heatline Concept, INT. JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Elsevier , 7, 6000, ISSN:00179310
R.Roslan, H.Saleh. and I.Hashim
(2011) Buoyancy-Driven Heat Transfer In Nanofluid-Filled Trapezoidal Enclosure With Variable Thermal Conductivity And Viscosity, NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A: APPLICATIONS, Taylor & Francis Group , 12, 867, ISSN:10407782
R. Roslan, M.N. Mahmud and I.Hashim
(2011) Effect Of Feedback Control On Chaotic Convection In Fluid Saturated Porous Media, INT. JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Elsevier , 10, 404, ISSN:0017-9310
H. Saleh, R. Roslan, I. Hashim
(2011) Natural Convection Heat Transfer In A Nanofluid-Filled Trapezoidal Enclosure, INT. JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Elsevier , 1, 194, ISSN:00179310
H. Saleh, R. Roslan, I. Hashim
(2011) Natural Convection In A Porous Trapezoidal Enclosure With An Inclined Magnetic Field, INT. JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, Elsevier , 3, 155, ISSN:00457930
Lai Zhe Phooi, Zainodin Haji Jubok , Rozaini Roslan and Ishak Hashim
(2011) Steady Flow About A Sphere In A Porous Medium Subject To An Oscillating Temperature, JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, UTHM , 12, 123, ISSN:22298460
Tan Soo Fun, Leau Yu Beng, Rozaini Roslan, and Habeeb Saleh Habeeb
(2008) Privacy In New Mobile Payment Protocol, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER, ELECTRICAL, AUTOMATION, CONTROL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology , 2, 3713, ISSN:2010-3778
M.S.H. Chowdhury, I. Hashim, R. Roslan
(2008) Simulation Of Predator-Prey Problem By The Homotopy-Perturbation Method Revised, TOPOLOGICAL METHODS IN NONLINEAR ANALYSIS, Juliusz Schauder University Centre for Nonlinear Studie , 6, 263, ISSN:12303429
Ho Chong Mun, Rozaini Roslan
(2004) A Review On Holomorphic Functions Of Bounded Mean Oscillation, BORNEO SCIENCE, Universiti Malaysia Sabah , 6, 83, ISSN:13944339
Rozaini Roslan, Amran Ahmed, Darmesah Gabda, Ho Chong Mun
(2003) An Analysis For The Error Of A Euler'S Formula In The Inner Boundary-Layer From An Unsteady Free Convective From A Circular Cylinder, BORNEO SCIENCE, Universiti Malaysia Sabah , 6, 1, ISSN:13944339
Prosiding / Seminar
Wan Noor Afifah Wan Ahmad , Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani , Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohamad, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Roslan, Mohd Zulariffin Md Maarof, Muhamad Ali Imran Kamarudin, Ruzairi Abdul Rahim, Naufal Ishartono
(2023) Optimal Control Problem With Non-Standard Conditions: Direct And Indirect Approaches, SPRINGER , 113, ISBN:23673370
Wan Noor Afifah Wan Ahmad, Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohamad, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Ros-lan, Mohd Zulariffin Md. Maarof, Muhamad Ali Imran Kamarudin, Ruzairi Abdul Rahim, Naufal Ishartono
(2023) Solving The Royalty Payment Problem Through Shooting Method, SPRINGER , 237, ISBN:23673370
Safyzan Salim, Muhammad Mahadi Abdul Jamil, Radzi Ambar, Rozaini Roslan and Muhammad Ghazali Kamardan
(2022) Sign Language Digit Detection With Mediapipe And Machine Learning Algorithm, INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC. , 180, ISBN:9781665483407
D.F.Jamil, S.Uddin, R.Roslan, M.K.M.Akhir
(2020) Modeling Electro-Magneto-Hydrodynamic Of Blood Flow In Multi-Stenosed Artery Using Fractional Deivatives Without Singular Kernel, KNOWLEDGE-M , 310, ISBN:9785907345751
Abbood Al-Nasrawi, J.A.A., Roslan, R., Ezekiel, O.A., Mohamad, R.
(2020) Preliminary Swcnts-Kerosene On Carreau Mhd Flow Over A Wall With Distinct Thickness, IOP PUBLISHING LTD , 1, ISBN:17578981
Salah Uddin, Mahathir Mohamad, Mghazali Kamardan, Mahmod Abd Hakim Mohamad, Suliadi Sufahani and Roslan Rozaini
(2019) Electromagnetic Control Of Fluid With Magnetic Particles In The Stenosedregion, IOP , 1, ISBN:1757899X
(2018) An Application Of Robust Method In Multiple Linear Regression Model Toward Credit Card Debt, IOP PUBLISHING , 1
(2018) A Mathematical Model Development For The Lateral Collapse Of Octagonal Tubes, IOP , 1
(2018) Adm For Solving Linear Second-Order Fredholm Integro- Differential Equations , IOP PUBLISHING , 1
Suliadi Sufahani, Mahathir Mohamad, Rozaini Roslan, M. Ghazali Kamardan, Norziha Che-Him, Maselan Ali, Kamal Khalid, E.M. Nazri, Asmala Ahmad
(2018) Applied Mathematical Optimization Technique On Menu Scheduling For Boarding School Student Using Delete Reshuffle Reoptimize Algorithm, IOP , 1
(2018) Blood Flow Problem In The Presence Of Magnetic Particles Through A Circular Cylinder Using Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Derivative , IOP PUBLISHING , 1
Norziha Che-Him, Rozaini Roslan, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Kamil Khalid, MGhazali Kamardan, Farquis Azbi Arobi, Nazeera Mohamad
(2018) Factors Affecting Road Traffic Accident In Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia , IOP PUBLISHING , 1
M. Ghazali Kamardan, N. Aminudin, Norziha Che Him, Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Kamil Khalid, Rozaini Roslan
(2018) Modified Multi Prime Rsa Cryptosystem , IOP , 1
Maselan Ali, Suliadi Sufahani, Nurnazifa Hasim, Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Rozaini Roslan, Mahathir Mohamad, Kamil Khalid
(2018) The Development Of Proof In Analytical Mathematics For Undergraduate Students, UTHM , 1
Dzuliana Fatin Jamil , Rozaini Roslan, Mohammed Abdulhameed, Norziha Che-Him, Suliadi Sufahani, Mahathir Mohamad, M.Ghazali Kamardan
(2018) Unsteady Blood Flow With Nanoparticles Through Stenosed Arteries In The Presence Of Periodic Body Acceleration, UTHM , 1
A.G.Madaki, R.Roslan, R.Kandasamy and M.S.H.Chowdhury
(2017) Flow And Heat Transfer Of Nanofluid Over A Stretching Sheet With Non-Linear Velocity In The Presence Of Thermal Radiation And Chemical Reaction, American Institute of Physics , 1, ISBN:9780735414983
N.Zainuddin, R.Roslan and M.S.Rusiman
(2017) Mhd Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Rectangular Cavity Filled With A Porous Medium, American Institute of Physics , 1, ISBN:9780735414983
(2017) Numerical Study Of Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Cavity In The Presence Of Internal Heat Generation/ Absorption, AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS , 020047-1, ISBN:9780735414983
N.A.Bakar, A.Karimipour, and R.Roslan
(2017) Numerical Study Of Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Cavity In The Presence Of Internal Heat Generation/Absorption, American Institute of Physics , 1, ISBN:9780735414983
A.G. Madaki, M. Mohamad, M.G. Kamardan, R. Roslan
(2016) Analytical Solution Of Squeezing Unsteady Nanofluid Flow In The Presence Of Thermal Radition, Science & Knowledge Research Society , 49, ISBN:1513-1874
Abdullahi Madaki Gamsha, Mohammed Abdulhameed, Mahathir Mohamad, Maselan Ali, Rozaini Roslan
(2016) Effects Of Thermophoresis And Brownian Motion On Boundary Layer Flow Over A Linearly Stretching Sheet Saturated By A Nanofluid With The Presence Of Magnetic Field And Chemical Reaction, American Scientific Publication, , belum terb , ISBN:1936-6612
Mohd Saifullah Rusiman, Suliadi Firdaus Sufahani, Rozaini Roslan, Kamil Khalid, Maria Elena Nor, Ku Gee Huei, Lim Soo Peng, Nun Shwu Mean, Soh Cher Wei
(2016) Improving Skills In Rounding Off The Whole Number, American Scientific Publishers , belum terb , ISBN:1936-6612
N. Zainuddin, R. Roslan and M. S. Rusiman
(2016) Mhd Mixed Convection In A Lid-Driven Rectangular Cavity Filled With A Porous Medium, American Institute of Physics (AIP) , belum terb , ISBN:-
(2015) An Existence Of Trapezoidal Waveform Of Oscillating Motion From Triangular Pressure Waveforms: The Case Of An Oldroyd-B Model, IEEE
(2015) Existence Of Steady Solution From Unsteady Flow Of Viscoelastic Fluid Due To Different Pressure Waveform In A Circular Cylinder, IEEE
N.A. Bakar, F. Aman, M. Mohamad, R. Roslan
(2015) Natural Convection Heat Transfer In Two-Square Duct Annuli Filled With A Nanofluid, Trans Tech Publications , 299 , ISBN:978-3-03785-591
Rozaini Roslan
(2014) Application Of The Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method For The Solution Of The Burgers Equation, ITMU , ISBN:in press
Rozaini Roslan
(2014) Homotopy Analysis Of Mhd Flow Of A Maxwell Fluid Generated By An Impulsive Moving Wall With Transpiration Presented, Jamal Academic Research Journal , ISBN:09730303
M. Abdulhameed, M. Mohamad, R. Kandasamy, R. Roslan
(2013) Analytical Solution For Mhd Flow Of Unsteady Viscoelastic Fluid Arising In The Wire Coating Process Inside A Cylindrical Die , UTHM , 269, ISBN:9789670468518
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2012) Free Convection Flow Past An Oscillating Wall With Ramped Wall Temperature, UKM Persama
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2012) Heatline Analysis And Visualization Of Marangoni And Cooling Effects On Natural Convection In A Differentially Heated Enclosure, UIA
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2012) Oscillatory Free Convection About Horizontal Circular Cylinder In Presence Of Heat Generation, UKM Persama
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2011) Natural Convection In Trapezoidal Enclosure Filled With Nanofluid, COMSTECH
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2011) Oscillatory Natural Convection Flow: Review And Extension, COMSTECH
Rozaini Roslan
(2010) An Analytical Study Of Natural Convection In The Inner Boundary-Layer Subject To Oscillating Temperature, ITB Indonesia , ISBN:9772087051008
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Control Of Homoclinic Chaos For Moderate Vadasz Number Convection In Porous Media, UTP
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Implementing Problem-Based Learning In Teaching Numerical Methods For Engineering Student, UTHM
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Inner Solution For Oscillatory Free Convection About A Sphere Embedded In A Porous Medium, UniTAR
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Natural Convection Heat Transfer With An Al2o3 Nanofluids At Low Rayleigh Number, ITB
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Numerical Study Of Natural Convection In A Porous Cavity With Transverse Magnatic Field And Non-Uniform Internal Heating, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2010) Outer Solution For Oscillatory Free Convection About A Sphere In A Porous Medium, UTHM
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2008) A Lightweight Mobile Payment Protocol By Using Mobile Network Operator, IIUM
Rozaini Roslan
(2008) Free Convection In A Porous Medium From A Sphere With Oscillating Surface Temperature, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2008) Overview Of Keller-Box Method On Ascillating Natural Convection Around A Sphere Embedded In A Porous Medium, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2008) Privacy In New Mobile Payment Protocol, WASET , ISBN:13076884
Rozaini Roslan
(2008) Takaful Kenderaan Dan Akses Ke Atas Pelanggannya. Relevankah Halal? Satu Analisis, UKM , ISBN:9789833198214
Rozaini Bin Roslan
(2008) The Onset Of Thermocapillary Convection In A Rotating Fluid Layer With Free-Slip Bottom, College of Science, United Arab Emirates University,
Rozaini Roslan
(2007) Oscillatory Free Convection, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Rozaini Roslan
(2006) Penyuaian Taburan Kebarangkalian Ke Atas Data Aliran Maksimum Sungai Terpilih Di Sabah, Kustem
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Development Of A Modular Traffic Flow Optimization Solution Utilizing Genetic Algorithms (Gas), UMS , ISBN:9832643384
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Kajian Diagnostik Tahap Kefahaman Matematik Di Kalangan Pelajar Tahun Pertama Program Matematik Ums: Satu Kajian Kes, UiTM Pahang
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) L?Hopital?S Rule On Oscillatory Natural Convection Problem, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Prevalence Of Hiv In Sabah (1991-2000), Persama
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Stability Of Reaction-Advection With Gompertz Growth Model, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2004) Traffic Flow Observations By The Application Of An Augmented Artificial Neural Network (Ann) Solution, UMS , ISBN:9832643384
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Blasius Series On The Steady Boundary-Layer From An Unsteady Free Convective Problem P=1, Belarusian University
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Oscillatory Natural Convection Around A Horizontal Circular Cylinder: P=1, UPM
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Penyelesaian Masalah Resapan Olakan Melalui Kaedah Lelaran Dua Langkah, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Peranan Matroid Tahap-R Bagi Matroid Kabur, SST, UMS
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Profail Diabetis Di Malaysia, UKM
Rozaini Roslan
(2003) Steady Boundary-Layer In Oscillatory Convective Flow, National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Rozaini Roslan
(2002) Effect Of A Direct Implementation Of Euler?S Formula In The Natural Convection Around A Horizontal Cylinder In Porous Medium, UTM

2023External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript Case Study in Thermal Engineering, WoS, Q1, Elsevier, Netherlands, July 2023 International
2023 - 2025 Academic Program Advisor for Penasihat Akademik dan Kerjaya (PAK), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, October 2023 University
2023External Assessor / External Reviewer for Penilai Dana Penyelidikan KPT 2023, KPT, Malaysia, May 2023 National
2023Referee for Pengadil Peribadi Kenaikan Pangkat Profesor VK7 UKM, UKM, Malaysia, February 2023 National
2023Assessor / Reviewer for Panel Temu Duga MyBrainsc KPT, KPT, Malaysia, August 2023 National
2023Evaluation Panel of Project/Student for Panel Penilai TIER 1 Fasa 2 2023, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, September2023 University
2023Member for Program Dana Penjana KPT-PACE, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, October 2023 University
2023 - 2024 Committee Member for Task force penerbitan prosiding scopus FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, August 2023 University
2023 - 2024 Committee Chairman for Pengerusi AJK Sepakaran FAST bagi kenaikan pangkat ke gred Profesor, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, June 2023 University
2023Evaluation Panel of Project/Student for Panel Penilai PRGS UTHM, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, April 2023 University
2023Evaluation Panel of Project/Student for Panel Penilai FRGS UTHM, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, March 2023 University
2023External Examiner for Pemeriksa Luar PhD Matematik, Vignan's University, India, March 2023 International
2023External Examiner for Pemeriksa Luar PhD Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan, March 2023 International
2023External Examiner for Pemeriksa luar PhD Math, UTM, Malaysia, October 2023 National
2023Examiner for Pemeriksa dalam PhD FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, July 2023 National
2023Chairperson of VIVA for Pengerusi Viva Rfaat, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, October 2023 University
2023Member for Penceramah Jemputan, Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates, June 2023 International
2023Member for Panel Penilai Permohonan FRGS KPT 2023, JPT, KPT, Malaysia, May 2023 Goverment
2023Member for Penilai Permohonan FRGS peringkat Universiti, Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia, March 2023 National
2023Member for Panel Penilai FRGS, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, March 2023 University
2023Member for Panel Penilai PRGS UTHM, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, April 2023 University
2023 - 2028 Committee Coordinator for MoA UTHM-UIN SUKA, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, July 2023 University
2023Assessor / Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript Chinese Journal of Physics, Elsevier, Netherlands, October 2023 International
2023External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Q1, WoS, Elsevier, Netherlands, September2023 International
2023External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer, World Scientific, Singapore, December 2023 International
2023Speaker for Sanggar Pascasiswazah Siri 3, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, December 2023 University
2023Speaker for Topik-Topik Khas dalam Matematik Teknologi BWA30202, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, December 2023 University
2023Speaker for Bengkel Penyediaan Permohonan Geran FRGS JMS FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, November 2023 University
2023Guest Speaker for International Conference on Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology (ICISTECH) 2023, Amity University Patna, India, December 2023 International
2023 for International Conference on Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology (ICISTECH) 2023, Amity University Patna, India, December 2023 International
2023Mentor for Permohonan Geran FRGS FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, November 2023 University
2023Chairperson of VIVA for Pengerusi Viva PhD Zunna'aim, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, December 2023 University
2022 - 2023 Supervisor for Penyelia Postdoktoral, UTM, Malaysia, October 2022 National
2022Visiting Professor for Guest Lecture Program, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia, September2022 International
2022Chairman for International Scientific Forum on Computatiuonal Modelling for Science, Industry and Business, HSE National Research University, Russian Federation, January 2022 International
2022External Examiner for Pemeriksa tesis, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, April 2022 International
2022External Examiner for Pemeriksa tesis, UTM, Malaysia, June 2022 National
2022Guest Speaker for International COnference on Recent Developments in Mathematics, Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 2022 International
2022External Assessor / External Reviewer for Kenaikan Pangkat, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, July 2022 International
2022Evaluation Panel of Project/Student for Jawatankuasa Penilaian Dana Penyelidikan, Kementerian Pengajian TInggi, Malaysia, March 2022 National
2022Guest Speaker for Guest Lecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia, September2022 International
2022 for Internatiopnal COnference on Recent Developments in Mathematics, Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates, August 2022 International
2022External Assessor / External Reviewer for Penilai kenaikan Pangkat, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan, November 2022 International
2021 - 2022 Senate Members for Wakil Senat Jk Pengajian Penubuhan Kampus Cawangan, Fakulti, Sekolah, Pusat, Akademi, Institut/Program Baru/Pengambilan Pelajar , Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, January 2021 University
2021 - 2022 Committee Member for Wakil Senat Jkuasa Komersialisasi, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, December 2021 University
2021 - 2024 Treasurer for Mesyuarat Senat, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, December 2021 University
2020 - 2022 Industrial Adviser for Malaysia Technical Advisor of Anna Systems LLC, ANNA Syatems LLC, Russian Federation, April 2020 International
2020 - 2022 Board of Director for Council Member, IASED International Academy of Science, Hong Kong, January 2020 International

2024 Examiner for Anis Sulwana Binti Azizi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Hiew Pin Tao, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Mohd Azhar Bin Alpad, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Muhamad Salman Bin Mohd Nazri, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Muhammad Fakhrul Syazwan Bin Zainuddin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Noor Amalina Binti Ehyak, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Nurul Nabila Binti Noor Azlan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Examiner for Suraya Aneesa Binti Roswan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Main Supervisor for Ali Bakhsh, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Supervisor for Emily Chan Shin Yi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Supervisor for Kelly Shu Zi-Wei, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Supervisor for Muhammad Najmuddin Putra Bin Ab Rahman, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2024 Supervisor for Zafira Elliyana Binti Zulkafflee, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2024
2023 Co-supervisor for Ahmad Zaki Mohamad Amin, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Committee Chairman for Jawatankuasa kesepakaran Gred Profesor (VK7), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, June 2023
2023 Committee Member for Ahli J/K Pemilih Anugerah Citra Saintis (ACS) 2023 FAST, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, May 2023
2023 Examiner for Auna Binti Mohd Azhar, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Auna Binti Mohd Azhar, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Lee Mun Jin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Lee Mun Jin, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Mohammad Arief Haiqal Bin Radzuan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Mohammad Arief Haiqal Bin Radzuan, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Muhammad Aqil Najwan Bin Jaafar, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Muhammad Aqil Najwan Bin Jaafar, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Muhammad Shafirudin Fitri Bin Saidis, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Muhammad Shafirudin Fitri Bin Saidis, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Ng Yee Xuan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Ng Yee Xuan, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Nur Syazwani Binti Mat Yusof, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Nur Syazwani Binti Mat Yusof, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Nurain Izzati Binti Nazri, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Examiner for Nurain Izzati Binti Nazri, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID OPENPHYS-D-22-00244, De Gruyter: Open Physics, Poland, January 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: CSITE-D-22-02494R1 (revised 1), Elsevier: Case Studies in THermal Engineering, Netherlands, July 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: CSITE-D-22-02494R2 (revised 2), Elsevier: Case Studies in Therml Engineering, Netherlands, July 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: 1155-Article Text-4980-1-4-20211123, AcademiSainsMalaysia ASM Science Journal, Malaysia, August 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: HELIYON-D-23-19059, Elsevier: Heliyon, Netherlands, July 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: SCI-22-1590, SAGE: Science Progress, United States Of America, February 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for Manuscript ID: SCI-22-1590.R1 (revised), SAGE: Science Progress, United States Of America, April 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID CJPHY-D-23-01032, Elsevier: Chinese Journal of Physics, Netherlands, August 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID: ICHMT-D-23-00592, Elsevier: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Netherlands, April 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID: JESTCH-D-23-00880, Elsevier: Eng Sci & Tech, an Int Journal, Netherlands, July 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID: JMES-22-1600.R1 (Revised), SAGE: Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, United States Of America, February 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID: JOCSCI-D-22-01637R1 (Revised), Elsevier: Journal of Computational Science, Netherlands, February 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID: JOCSCI-D-22-01637R2 (2nd revised), Elsevier: Journal of Computational Science, Netherlands, March 2023
2023 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer manuscript ID: JCDE-2023-362, Oxford university Press: Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, United Kingdom, July 2023
2023 External Examiner for Penasihat Luar Program Pascasiswazah , IMK, UniMAP, Malaysia, March 2023
2023 Member for Pemeriksa Luar PhD, Abdul Wali Khan University, Pakistan, March 2023
2023 Member for Pemeriksa Luar, Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology and Research University, India, March 2023
2023 Member for Pengadil Peribadi Kenaikan Pangkat Professor VK7, UKM, Malaysia, February 2023
2023 Member for Penilai dalam PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, July 2023
2023 Supervisor for Siti Sarah Aishah Binti Ramli, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Supervisor for Siti Sarah Aishah Binti Ramli, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Supervisor for Suhsela Binti Suhmantra, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2023 Supervisor for Suhsela Binti Suhmantra, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2023
2022 Academic Program Advisor for Penasihat MSc dan MPhil Mathematics, Alaggapa University, India, March 2022
2022 Committee Member for Penarafan Universiti, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, November 2022
2022 External Assessor / External Reviewer for Reviewer for manuscript ID JOCSI-D-22-01637, Elsevier: Journal of Computational Science, Netherlands, December 2022
2022 Post Doctoral for Pascadoktoral, UTM, Malaysia, October 2022
2022 Supervisor for Jonathan Kong Shii Tsong, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2022
2022 Supervisor for Jonathan Kong Shii Tsong, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2022
2022 Supervisor for Pang Sui Liang, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2022
2022 Supervisor for Pang Sui Liang, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2022
2021 Examiner for Cheah Xinyin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Cheah Xinyin, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Fong Po Ling, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Fong Po Ling, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Lin Su Yan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Lin Su Yan, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Ong Li Qi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Ong Li Qi, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Siti Zubairah Binti Mohamad, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Teh Zi Yi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Examiner for Teh Zi Yi, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Supervisor for Amnani Husna Binti Mohammad Azlan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Supervisor for Amnani Husna Binti Mohammad Azlan, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Supervisor for Muhammad Nor Iman Bin Ismail, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Supervisor for Nur Nadhirah Binti Syed Malik, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2021 Supervisor for Nur Nadhirah Binti Syed Malik, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2021
2020 Examiner for Fan Chun Wei, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Fan Chun Wei, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Noor Najwa Husna Binti Othman, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Noor Najwa Husna Binti Othman, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Nurrin Jazlina Binti Jumri, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Nurrin Jazlina Binti Jumri, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Nurul Nazihah Binti Ali Sahuding, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Nurul Nazihah Binti Ali Sahuding, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Nurul Syamira Husna Binti Rusli, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Umeesh A/L Nanta Kumar, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Examiner for Umeesh A/L Nanta Kumar, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Supervisor for Muhammad Nor Iman Bin Ismail, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Supervisor for Muhammad Nor Iman Bin Ismail, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Supervisor for Nurfazelina Binti Abd Jalil, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2020 Supervisor for Nurfazelina Binti Abd Jalil, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020
2019 Examiner for Fatin Atirah Binti Abdul Tauwab, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Fatin Atirah Binti Abdul Tauwab, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Munirah Binti Zawil, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Munirah Binti Zawil, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nik Muhammad Akid Bin Nik Abdul Khalid, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nik Muhammad Akid Bin Nik Abdul Khalid, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nur Huda Raihana Binti Mohammad, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nur Huda Raihana Binti Mohammad, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nurizatin Binti Shaik Jalaludeen, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Nurizatin Binti Shaik Jalaludeen, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Siti Nur Aisyah Binti Ahamad, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Examiner for Siti Nur Aisyah Binti Ahamad, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 External Examiner for Penilai luar Program Pascasiswazah IMK UniMAP, UniMAP, Malaysia, May 2019
2019 Main Supervisor for Zul Afiq Bin Sazeli, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Nur Salihah Binti Harun, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Nur Salihah Binti Harun, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Nurul Husna Binti Hasbulah, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Nurul Husna Binti Hasbulah, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Siti Qurratu Aini Binti Mohammad Zin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Siti Qurratu Aini Binti Mohammad Zin, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Wan Amirul Ashraf Bin Wan Mohd Azan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2019 Supervisor for Wan Amirul Ashraf Bin Wan Mohd Azan, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2019
2018 Co-supervisor for Inas Ridha Ali, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Ho Wee Yit, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Ho Wee Yit, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Muhammad Amirul Aizat Bin Roslan, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Muhammad Faris Bin Abd.Aziz, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Muhammad Muizz Bin Mohd Nawawi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Nur Izyanee Shedzleen Binti Mohd Shakirin, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Nurul Belina Binti Zamri, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Nurul Nadjwa Binti Abdul Jabar, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Sharifah Khadijah Til Qubbra Binti Syed Jamil, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Tang Hui Hui, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Tang Hui Hui, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Toh Phoi Yin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Examiner for Toh Phoi Yin, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Main Supervisor for Agilarajan Selvarajah, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Main Supervisor for Amitha Raj A/L Selvaraju, MSc, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Main Supervisor for Dzuliana Fatin Binti Jamil, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Main Supervisor for Jaafar Abdulabbas Abbood, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Cheng Yat Shing, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Cheng Yat Shing, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Kow Hong Sam, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Kow Hong Sam, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Lee Si-Qi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Lee Si-Qi, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Muhammad Azrul Shah Bin Azmi, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Muhammad Azrul Shah Bin Azmi, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Yip Kee Kein, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2018 Supervisor for Yip Kee Kein, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2018
2017 Co-supervisor for Salah Ud Din, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Chong Kae Chyi, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Choo Yunn Yee, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Goh Theng Pei, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Ida Sharina Binti Zin Azman, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for See Jia Ji, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Tee Wei Sim, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Ummal Aisha Farhana Binti Mohd Sadiq, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Examiner for Yow Meow En, Bachelor Degree Project 2, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2017 Main Supervisor for Mohammed Mahdi Fayyadh, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2017
2016 Examiner for Fatin Nurliyana Binti Mohd Shahril, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Examiner for Nur Syarifah Syahirah Binti Ramlee, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Examiner for Nurleana Binti Mat Husain, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Examiner for Siti Saleha Binti Ibrahim, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Examiner for Syafiqah Binti Ariffin, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Examiner for Syafiqah Binti Mohd Noor, Bachelor Degree Project 1, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Main Supervisor for Dzuliana Fatin Binti Jamil , MSc, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Main Supervisor for Fatin Nurfatiha Binti Jaafar, MSc, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2016 Main Supervisor for Norain Binti Ahmad Nordin, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2016
2015 Industrial Training Supervisor for Chow Han Yong, Azmi Burhani Consulting Sdn Bhd, 2015
2015 Industrial Training Supervisor for Siti Hajar Binti Mohd Ariff, Azmi Burhani Consulting Sdn Bhd, 2015
2014 Main Supervisor for Gamsha Abdullahi Madaki, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014
2014 Main Supervisor for Najahulfazliah Binti Zainuddin, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2014
2013 Main Supervisor for Norhaliza Binti Abu Bakar, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2013
2012 Main Supervisor for Abdulhameed Mohammed, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2012
2011 Co-supervisor for Rosmila Binti Abdul Kahar, PhD, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011
2011 Main Supervisor for Najahulfazliah Binti Zainuddin, MSc, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2011

2023Member for Program Stemathics Olympiad Anjuran FAST di SMK Sultan Alaudin Riayat Syah I, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia, November 2023, November 2023 District

Organiser / Venue
UTHM / Webinar
UTHM / Secara Atas Talian (Zoom)
UTHM / Webinar
17/06/2023 - 18/06/2023
UTHM / Atas talian (
UTHM / Microsoft Teams:
UTHM / Microsoft Teams
UTHM / Microsoft Teams (
UTHM / Bilik Mesyuarat 5 (JMS), Bilik Mesyuarat 6 (JFK), Bilik Seminar 1 (JTS), Aras 1, Blok A1, UTHM - Kampus (Cawangan Pagoh)

15SIIF02 An Exsistence of Steady Term Form an Unsteady Mathematical Problems : Does it Ex SIIF 2015 Emas dan Setara
15MTE02 An Exsistence of Steady Term Form an Unsteady Mathematical Problems : Malaysia Technology Expo 2015 Emas dan Setara

2023 Silver Award in Minggu Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (MPI) 2023
Kolej Universiti TATINEGARA
2023 JIPA Special Award
Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) ANTARABANGSA
2023 International Innovation Awards
Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) ANTARABANGSA